Well Done Parents
Whilst I prefer my steaks medium rare, I am happy to serve up a “Well Done Parents”! (Sorry, dad joke)
Having recently joined the Year 5 students for the Sovereign Hill Camp, I can report that they are a delightful group of young people. I had a tremendous time getting to know the students better and experiencing Sovereign Hill with the great group of students and staff.
Having also attended a number of other year level camps and retreats across primary and secondary, as well as numerous excursions and classroom visits, I am equally convinced that our students here at Flinders Christian Community College are an exceptional group of students. Not perfect, not without their “moments” of course, but collectively, and ultimately, an undeniably amazing and exceptional group of students.
I say all this to their credit, but also to the credit of their parents, guardians and carers. Yes, we cannot overlook the obvious hard work our Flinders families are putting in to raise such exceptional individuals.
Our Flinders students are already impacting our society in positive ways throughout our community and beyond.
I personally would love to hear the stories of how our students are influencing the world around them. Please feel free to share with me examples of our student impact and influence either in person or by email; I love hearing “good news stories” about our students.
We read in Proverbs:
6 Train up a child in the way he should go, [a]And when he is old he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6 New King James Version
I am convinced when you combine the influence of a positive family environment with the positive environment of Flinders, the outcome of this training is exceptional citizens being released into the world.
Even if they take a few wrong turns along the way, I’m trusting they will find their way back to the right path and influence those around them to also be the best version of themselves.
I’ve heard it said that it takes a village to raise a child. Well, I’m proud to be part of the Flinders Village.
So, as I began, let me conclude, “Well Done Parents”!
Jon Gibson
Campus Chaplain