About: Brymore Productions is a boutique theatre company founded in 2015 to create interactive and engaging theatrical events designed to ignite imaginations and spark creativity in young audiences. We create larger than life characters and work in a semi-improvised performance style. This allows audiences and participants to guide our performance, improving engagement and ensuring every showing is a unique event. Our performances often involve puppetry and various interactive elements that get audiences up onto their feet, immersing them into the world created before them. We have created productions for numerous schools, theatres, attractions and venues, hosted unique workshops for all ages, and toured our major productions across the globe, with seasons at some of the world's most exciting festivals including the Adelaide Fringe, Perth Fringe World, and the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. Brymore Productions are able to customise productions to focus on specific areas of the curriculum for in-school performances, we can also be commissioned to create engaging and interactive in character tours or experiences for venues, conferences and tourist attractions. We also create downloadable theme kits for you to host your own immersive events and parties at home.
Website: www.brymoreproductions.com
Phone: 0421 791 005
Email: brymoreproductions@gmail.com